Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI)

Programme INRIA "Equipes Associées"







Equipe-Projet INRIA : Planète

Organisme étranger partenaire : University of Washington (UW)

Centre de recherche INRIA : Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée

Pays : États-Unis



Coordinateur français

Coordinateur étranger

Nom, prénom

 Walid Dabbous

 Sumit Roy


 DR2, responsable EPI Planète


Organisme d'appartenance


 UW College of Engineering

 Electrical Engineering Department

Adresse postale

2004, route des Lucioles,

BP 93

06902 Sophia Antipolis,

Cedex, France

 University of Washington
 Department of Electrical Engineering
 M330 EEB
 Campus Box 352500
 Seattle, WA 98195-2500





 + 1 (206) 221-5261



 + 1 (206) 543-3842


La proposition en bref

Titre de la thématique de collaboration: Global Environment for wireless Networking Experiments and SIMulations (Environnement global d’expérimentation et de simulation pour les réseaux sans fil).

Description: Evaluation of new network protocols and architectures is at the core of networking research. This evaluation is usually performed using simulations, emulations, or experimental platforms. Simulations allow a fast evaluation process, fully controlled scenarios, and reproducibility. However, they lack realism and the accuracy of the models implemented in the simulators is hard to assess. Emulation allows controlled environment and reproducibility, but it also suffers from some degree of realism. Experiments allow more realistic environment and implementations, but they lack reproducibility and ease of use. So, each evaluation technique has strengths and weaknesses and therefore they complement one another. However, there is currently no way to combine them in a scientific experimental workflow. On the other hand, wireless network protocols are challenging to evaluate mainly due to the high variability of the channel characteristics and their sensitivity to interference. Indeed, as the wireless environment is very difficult to control, repeatable experiments are complex to perform. In addition, a large number of parameters impact the results of an experiment. It is therefore difficult to find the subset of key parameters to be taken into account to characterise a wireless experiment. The full implementation of all these requirements is a long-term goal of both teams and is larger than the scope of this collaboration. The objective of this Associated Team is to contribute toward this goal. In this context, we propose to provide a prototype evaluation environment for wireless experiments.


This evaluation environment is based on a common programming interface between ns-3, Orbit and OneLab. This prototype will allow running basic wireless networking scenarios on these three environments and to compare the simulations and experiments’ results. Based on University of Washington competence on Orbit and ns-3 and on INRIA’s competence on OneLab and ns-3 we expect this common project to have a high impact on both European and International consortiums.




Présentation de l'Équipe Associée

1. Présentation du coordinateur étranger

Sumit Roy received the B. Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur) in 1983, and the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees from the University of California (Santa Barbara), all in Electrical Engineering in 1985 and 1988 respectively, as well as an M. A. in Statistics and Applied Probability in 1988. His previous academic appointments were at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, and at the University of Texas, San Antonio. He has been at UW since 1998, where he is presently Professor of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include analysis/design of wide range of next generation wireless communication systems/networks, inclusive of PAN/LAN/MAN, sensor, vehicular and RFID networks. He has served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications and Wireless Communications, undertaken lead roles in conference organization (Vice TPC Chair for WCNC2005) and was selected Fellow, IEEE for his contributions to cross-layer design of wireless networks and emerging wireless standards. He is Fellow IEEE (Communications Society, 2007) and External referee for PhD dissertations. His research interests are: Theory, analysis and evaluation of next generation wireless and mobile communication systems/networks (PAN/LAN/MAN, sensor, underwater, vehicular and RFID).

Selected publications:

S. Roy, J. R. Foerster, V. S. Somayazulu and D. G. Leeper, "Ultra Wideband Radio Design: The Promise of High-Speed, Short-Range Wireless Connectivity," Proc. IEEE Spl. Issue on Gigabit Wireless, Feb. 2004, pp. 295-311.

M. Philipose, J. R. Smith, B. Jiang, A. Mamishev, S. Roy and K. Sundara-Rajan, "Battery-free Wireless Identification and Sensing," IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, Spl. Issue on Energy Harvesting and Conservation, Jan-Mar. 2005, pp. 37-45.

K. Fishkin, S. Roy and B. Jiang, "Some Methods for Privacy in RFID Communication," in Security in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, vol. 3313, 2005.

I. Ramachandran, A. Das and S. Roy, "Analysis of Contention Access Period of IEEE 802.15.4," IEEE/ACM Trans. Sensor Networks, 2006.

I. Ramachandran and S. Roy, "Clear Channel Assessment in Wideband Wireless Networks," IEEE Wireless Commn. Magazine, 2006.


2. Historique de la collaboration

ns-3 is the follow-up to the wildly successful ns-2 project. ns-2 was, for many years, the reference network simulator for IP networks to the point that more than 50% of all network simulation-related papers published in many conferences and journals used ns-2 to validate their research. Despite (or because of) this success, ns-2 is showing its age: its architecture suffers from a number of important problems which could not be solved without a significant overhaul. This lead a number of researchers to start the development of ns-3 from scratch with NSF funding (project co-PIs are Tom Henderson from Boeing and University of Washington and George Riley from Georgia Tech, Sally Floyd is participating to the project). The Planète project-team contributed to ns-3 from its kick-off through the active participation of Mathieu Lacage and wants to continue this effort through closer collaboration with personal exchange.


Planète contribution to ns-3

The Planète project-team is interested in a new generation of simulation tools that support more heterogeneous, yet closer to reality, models for links and access networks. Modelling the physical characteristics of the actual transmission media, notably for wireless networks, is required and now seems reachable for producing simulated results that would constructively complement experimental results. The project-team is interested in ns-3 in order to fulfil the two following objectives: 1) the need to perform accurate experimentations in a more controlled environment than that provided by traditional testbeds such as PlanetLab, Onelab, Emulab, Orbit or Vini, and 2) the need to use accurate models of 802.11 and WiMAX medium access control (MAC) and physical (PHY) systems to study the impact of cross-layer (Application-IP-to-MAC/PHY) optimizations.


Therefore the project-team has been involved in the ns-3 project from its very early stages. The Planète project-team contributed to the architecture and the implementation of its core facilities: most notably, the implementation of the event scheduler, the packet data structure, the tracing subsystem, important aspects of the object model, and the default network node programming interface. The project-team also worked on the first version of the UDP/IPv4 stack. This work was based on YANS ("Yet Another Network Simulator" [2]), which was developed internally just prior to starting work on ns-3 and from which it is planned to lift the MAC+PHY 802.11 model for integration in ns-3. The development of MAC/PHY models started at INRIA in 2005 with the development of an 802.11a/e MAC and PHY model in ns-2. This model implementation was subsequently ported to the YANS simulator to validate the architecture of this simulator. In 2006, the Planète project-team started developing a WiMAX MAC model for ns-3. This effort is currently focused on the implementation of a subset of components in the model to perform the required application-level simulation.


UW contribution to ns-3

The UW personnel have a like-minded interest in developing a simulation framework that allows a researcher to easily migrate the workflow from simulation to emulation to experimentation.  Some key goals include the support of lightweight virtual machines on ns-3 simulated wireless channels, and the use of new ns-3-enabled research architectures, implemented in the simulator, over testbeds and live networks.  The basic architecture is now in place to enable these capabilities, and UW plans to focus the next year on enabling such combinations.  UW has established ties with the Emulab project [13] (University of Utah) and the ORBIT project [12] at Rutgers University.  In particular, UW envisions that enabling ns-3 and ORBIT integration will be a primary goal (coordinated effort) throughout 2008, and has had initial discussions along these lines.  Furthermore, UW plans to play a major role in the definition, validation, and support of 802.11 and 802.16 models for ns-3.


3. Impact

The success of long-term research that will investigate new architectures and approaches to build the foundations for the future Internet will depend on the availability of networking experimental facilities that can support, validate and trigger potentially disruptive research. The goal is to explore clean-slate designs and to test and experiment at a very large scale user-centric services and concepts which are not necessarily backward compatible with the existing Internet. The targeted experimental facilities should allow addressing the challenges of mobility, security, management, scalability; to test simultaneously and independently different proposed architectures; to integrate real users for testing new services; to interact with simulators and/or emulators; to perform effective measurements; to realize controllable experiments and reproducible benchmarking of new network architectures. Wired and wireless network virtualization is important to enable full time sharing of resources while still ensuring isolation between simultaneous experiments. Another important aspect is federation:  large networking testbeds would consist in a federation of interconnectable testbeds. The key issue here is the existence of different capabilities (wired/wireless) and different needs. Such a global experimental facility should be defined in coordination with European (e.g. FIRE) and US (e.g. GENI) initiatives. Realizing all the above is a technological challenge because of the lack of resources control especially in a heterogeneous environment. In order to contribute more strongly to this global environment, the two teams (Planète and UW) will joint their efforts on wireless simulation and more generally on the definition of an experimental environment for wireless experiments. This will strengthen even more the teams’ contribution in these very important mentioned domains.

4. Connaissances antérieures

The Planète project-team is deeply involved in the field of experimental testbeds, both from a development and operation standpoint, and from a research perspective, contributing to the OneLab project that extends the PlanetLab architecture and operates the PlanetLab Europe platform. Our approach is to contribute the existing, well-known experimental platform PlanetLab, rather than trying to rebuild our own infrastructure from scratch. This activity is done in collaboration with visible international teams involved in the domain: (Princeton University / Larry Peterson, The University of Tokyo / Akihiro Nakao, Emulab / University of UTAH, Orbit - Max Ott – NICTA).


We have also developed the Wireless Statistical Monitoring tool (called WisMon) that generates real-time statistics from a unified list of packets, coming from possible different probes. This tool fulfils a gap on the wireless experimental field: it provides physical parameters on real time for evaluation during the experiment, records the data for further processing and builds a single view of the whole wireless communication channel environment. WisMon is available as open source under the Cecill license, via WisMon will be integrated to OneLab software as a building block toward a global experimental environment. We also plan to build an experimental wireless networking platform in several sites in Sophia Antipolis. This platform will be interconnected with the European OneLab platform through INRIA. The goal is to study the performance in terms of bandwidth and radio resources utilization in a heterogeneous radio environment.


ORBIT [12] is, currently, the most comprehensive wireless experimental testbed available, configured for open-access experimentation by remote users, and funded over a period of years by NSF. It seeks to strike a balance between the twin challenges of a) effort/cost of reliable experimentation in the field (to gather data on network performance), in the face of the inherent uncertainties in the wireless environment and b) providing a controlled environment for repeatability. The testbed consists of a large-scale radio grid of  approximately 400 nodes equipped with multiple radios (802.11, Bluetooth, 2.5/3G ..) and allows users to download scripts and OS images of planned experiments onto a subset of nodes in the grid, run experiments, and gather desired outputs.


The work proposed in the context of this Associated Team will build on the above mentioned contributions and will be described in section II hereafter.

5. References


[1]           D. Dujovne, T. Turletti and W. Dabbous. “Experimental Methodology for Real Overlays”, ROADS Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, July 2007.

[2]           M. Lacage (INRIA), T. Henderson (UW), “Yet another network simulator”, in Proceedings from the 2006 workshop on NS-2: the IP network simulator, Pisa, Italy.

[3]           M. Lacage, H. Manshaei, T. Turletti, “IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation: A Practical Approach”, ACM International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems MSWiM, October 2004, Venice, Italy.

[4]           J. Villalón, P. Cuenca, L. Orozco-Barbosa, Y. Seok, T. Turletti, “Cross-Layer Architecture for Adaptive Video Multicast Streaming over Multi-Rate Wireless LANs”, in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Multimedia Communications, Volume. 25, No 4, May 2007, pp. 699-711.

[5]           P. Ansel, Q. Ni, T. Turletti,”FHCF: An Efficient Scheduling Scheme for IEEE 802.11e”, in ACM/Kluwer MONET journal, Special issue devoted to WiOpt'04, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 391-403, June 2006.

[6]           Q. Ni, T. Li, T.Turletti, Y. Xiao, “Saturation Throughput Analysis of error-prone 802.11 Wireless Networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journal, Vol. 5, Issue 8, pp. 945-956, December 2005.

[7]           I. Aad, Q. Ni, C. Barakat, Thierry Turletti, “Enhancing IEEE 802.11 MAC in Congested Environments”, Computer Communications journal, Vol. 28, Issue 14, pp. 1605-1617, September 2005.

[8]           M.H. Manshaei, T. Turletti, T. Guionnet, “An Evaluation of Media-Oriented Rate Selection Algorithm for Multimedia Transmission in MANETs”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Ad Hoc Networks: Cross-Layer Issues, Vol. 2005, Issue 5, pp. 757-773, 2005.

[9]          G.-R. Cantieni, Q. Ni, C. Barakat, Thierry Turletti, “Performance Analysis of Finite Load Sources in 802.11b Multi-rate Environments”, in Computer Communications Journal, Special issue on Performance Issues of Wireless LANs, PANs, and Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 28, No 10, pp. 1095-1109, June 2005.

[10]         PlanetLab web page:

[11]         OneLab web page:

[12]         Orbit web page: http

[13]         Emulab web page:

[14]         Vini web page:

[15]         ns-3 web page:

[16]         Ettus Research web page:




Scientific approach and Work Program

Evaluation of new network protocols and architectures is at the core of networking research. This evaluation is usually performed using simulations (e.g., ns-3 [15]), emulations (e.g., Orbit [12] and Emulab [13]), or on experimental platforms (e.g., PlanetLab [10] and OneLab [11]). Simulations allow a fast evaluation process, fully controlled scenarios, and reproducibility. However, they lack realism and the accuracy of the models implemented in the simulators is hard to assess. Emulation allows controlled environment and reproducibility, but it also suffers from a lack of realism. Experimentations allow more realistic environment and implementations, but they lack reproducibility and ease of use. So, each evaluation technique has strengths and weaknesses and therefore is complementary. However, there is currently no way to combine them in a scientific experimental workflow. Typical evaluation workflows are split into four steps: topology description and construction, traffic pattern description and injection, trace instrumentation description and configuration, and, analysis based on the result of the trace events and the status of the environment during the experimentation. To achieve the integration of experimental workflows among the various evaluation platforms, the two following requirements must be verified:

·        Reproducibility: A common interface for each platform must be defined so that the same script can be run transparently on different platforms. This also implies a standard way to describe scenarios including: the research objective of the scenario, topology description and construction, the description of the traffic pattern and how it is injected into the scenario, the description and configuration of the instrumentation and the evolution of the environment during the experimentation.

·        Comparability: As each platform has different limitations, a way to compare the conclusions extracted from experiments run on different platforms, or on the same platform but with different conditions[1] must be provided.

Wireless network protocols are challenging to evaluate mainly due to the high variability of the channel characteristics and their sensitivity to interference. It is therefore important to develop a set of environmental definitions for the evaluation of wireless systems focusing in particular on the physical layer, in order to identify the key physical parameters that influence the performance of different upper layer protocols in wireless systems, such as radio propagation and interference. Based on these key parameters, it will be possible to define a set a typical physical scenarios that will enable realistic cross-layer studies of wireless systems. Note that it is not a trivial task to develop a satisfactory evaluation approach for wireless experiments in a global environment including experimental platforms such as PlanetLab or OneLab. Indeed, as the wireless environment is very difficult to control, repeatable experiments are complex to perform. In addition, a large number of parameters impact the results of an experiment. It is therefore difficult to find the subset of key parameters to be taken into account to characterise a wireless experiment.


In order to obtain an efficient chain of evaluation (simulation/emulation/experimental platforms), it is important to integrate and automate some common functions. In particular, this requires to:

·        Automate the definition of proper scenario definition taking in consideration available infrastructure to the experiment.

·        Automate the mapping of the scenario topology on top of the experimental platform topology (simple one-to-one node and link mapping is envisaged).

·        Define and provide instrumentation within the experimental platform to allow users to monitor the experiments, collect traces of selected events for offline analysis.

·        Measure and provide access to state variables that characterize the state of the experimental platform during an experiment.

·        Define an offline analysis library to compare experiments based on collected traces and state variables.


The full implementation of these requirements is a long-term goal for both teams. The objective of this Associated Team is to contribute to this ambitious project. In the context of this collaboration we propose to provide a prototype evaluation environment for wireless experiments. This evaluation environment is based on a common programming interface between ns-3, Orbit and OneLab. This prototype will allow running basic scenarios on the considered environments (ns-3, Orbit and OneLab) and to compare the experiments results. To complete this work successfully, we will leverage our expertise on wireless protocols, ns-3 simulator, Onelab and Orbit described in section I.4 here above.


In a first step toward such integration, we will focus in 2008 on the enhancement of the ns-3 support for wireless. The consistent criticism of wireless stacks available in current releases of ns-2 has been that  a) the abstractions of  the PHY and MAC layers are poor (specifically, they do not support the new trend of cross-layer inspired stack optimizations) and b) they do not scale and have not been updated or maintained over many years. Within ns-3, there is renewed effort to i) incorporate new protocol stacks (e.g. for 802.16, UWB), ii) significantly upgrade the PHY/MAC for existing ones within ns-2, and iii) apply considerable software re-engineering specifically targeted at improving run-time support for larger scale experiments. These enhanced abstractions will allow more sophisticated experimentation with cross-layer network management approaches to individual networks, and in future, to definitions (architecture and protocol stack modifications) of heterogeneous network management.  This co-existence will be facilitated by the emergence of software defined radio platforms such as the USRP [16].


Our goals for integration of ns-3 and Orbit is thus driven by the vision of generating a composite software-simulation/hardware emulation environment that works to mutual benefit. For example: a user can design and execute network simulation experiments within ns-3 aimed at tuning network stack parameters for desired optimization goals. If possible, the same experiment can then be run on the Orbit testbed and the outputs compared; this would help to iteratively improve the abstraction levels of the PHY/MAC in ns-3 code. A second use of such integration would be to run `small’ scale experiments within ns-3 (for reasons of complexity) to obtain optimal protocol stack settings; then these settings are used on a larger scale ORBIT testbed experiment to determine how network performance scales.


Our work program for 2008 is therefore the following:

·        We plan to add an 802.11 MAC and PHY model to ns-3: the goal is make the physical layer replaceable (to allow multiple kinds of PHY models: a simple but unrealistic model and a complex but very realistic model) and to implement a fully conformant MAC layer.

·        To make it easy to work on cross-layer optimizations and mechanisms within this 802.11 layer, we also plan to add a generic cross-layer module that provides the same kind of functionality provided by the ns-2-miracle modules.

·        Finally, to improve the performance of large-scale 802.11 simulations, we intend to add an online statistical analysis library to the simulator.

After these functionalities are implemented, integration work with the OneLab and Orbit platforms will be started later in 2009.



Budget prévisionnel 2008

1. Co-financement





NSF: It is possible to have a supplement for University of Washington to the ns-3 project from the NSF OISE ( to support the travel of US researchers to France in the context of this collaboration. UW will contact Jennifer Slimowitz Pearl to propose such a supplement. Preliminary contacts have already been made, and the partners were invited to go further by proposing both the associated team to INRIA and the supplement to the ns-3 project to NSF.

13.000 Euros

Funding for one or two students or postdoctoral researchers to travel to INRIA (Planète) for a summer term, and to fund Sumit Roy’s visit(s) to INRIA during 2008.

CPER: The Planète project-team is involved in the Plexus project whose aim is to set-up an experimental testbed that will be helpful to realize the prototype evaluation environment for wireless experiments.

 This project funds only hardware that will be used in the context of this collaboration.









2. Echanges



Montant (2008)






Chercheurs confirmés

 1 + 1































- total des co-financements

 13.000 (for UW)


Financement "Équipe Associée" demandé



The following scientific exchanges are envisaged:

Mathieu Lacage will visit University of Washington to work with UW researchers on the activities planned for 2008.

One PhD student and one postdoctoral researcher  from UW will visit the Planète project-team to work on wireless modeling or cross layer verification for wireless modules in the simulator.

Sumit Roy will visit the Planète project-team in 2008.

Walid Dabbous and Thierry Turletti will visit UW in 2008 or 2009. 


© INRIA - mise à jour le 19/10/2007

[1] This is in particular the case for in the wild experimental platforms.