MeDeHa – Message Delivery in Heterogeneous Disruption-prone Networks





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Rao Naveed Bin Rais (Planete, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)

Marc Mendonca (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

Thierry Turletti (Planete, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)

Katia Obraczka (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)





[1]. Rao Naveed Bin Rais, “Communication Mechanisms for Message Delivery in Heterogeneous Networks Prone to Episodic Connectivity”, PhD Thesis Manuscript. February 2011.


[2]. Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Thierry Turletti, Katia Obraczka, “Message Delivery in Heterogeneous Networks prone to Episodic Connectivity”, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET), under revision (since December 2009).

[3]. Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Marc Mendonca, Thierry Turletti, Katia Obraczka, “Towards Truly Heterogeneous Internets: Bridging Infrastructure-based and Infrastructure-less Networks”, in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), India, January 2011.

[4]. Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Thierry Turletti, Katia Obraczka, "Coping with Episodic Connectivity in Heterogeneous Networks", in Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 2008.

[5]. Marc Mendonca, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Thierry Turletti, Katia Obraczka, “Message Delivery in Heterogeneous Disruption-prone Networks”, Demo presentation at the ACM Mobicom, Chicago, September 2010.

[6]. Marc Mendonca, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Thierry Turletti, Katia Obraczka, “Message Delivery in Heterogeneous Disruption-prone Networks”, Invited demo presentation at the ACM second Wireless of the Students, by the Students, for the Students (S3) workshop, Chicago, September 2010.





MeDeHa (Message Delivery in Heterogeneous Disruption-prone Networks) is a message delivery framework that incorporates node and network heterogeneity and tries to make use of it whenever possible. The framework offers the following advantages:


·        Seamless message delivery across heterogeneous networks.

·        Ability to run at different layers of the protocol stack.

·        Bridging infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks.

·        Ability to work with existing MANET routing protocols without modifying them.

·        Ability to work with existing DTN routing protocols.

·        Partition mending through multihop ad-hoc (MANET) transit networks.


The framework design is based on the principle that in order to join two networks, there must be a node that understands the traffic on both networks and acts as a gateway to pass the traffic. In MeDeHa, any node can serve as the gateway node, as long as it has multiple interfaces (e.g., Wifi and 3G on a cellular/smart phone) or it is able to switch frequencies in order to use the same interface card to connect to different networks.


A notification protocol has been designed in MeDeHa to work both in infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks, which plays a key role in seamless message delivery across multiple heterogeneous interconnected networks, and also enables the integration of existing MANET routing protocols in the framework. This notification protocol performs this functionality through neighborhood information exchange across all networks including infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks. Using the information obtained from neighborhood information exchange, the nodes are able to build their routing and contact tables. The routing tables are used for nodes that are directly accessible, while the contact tables are used to manage heuristics about nodes (e.g., number of encounters) that are used in relay node selection.


We implemented the MeDeHa framework on NS-3 and OMNET++ Simulators, and conducted extensive simulations using quite a few realistic scenarios having realistic synthetic and real mobility traces. We also implemented the framework as a user-space daemon in Linux and conducted experiments on a real testbed. To validate the simulation results, we also performed some hybrid experiments, in which part of the experiment ran on NS-3 simulator and part of the experiment executed on real machines.




The NS-3 and OMNET++ codes can be downloaded from the links below. The OMNET++ implementation (compatible with version INET-20061020) only involves infrastructure-based networks with disruption tolerance, while the NS-3 implementation (compatible with version 3.5 and 3.9) is the most recent and comprises of both infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks including MANETs.



Modified Version of INET Framework (OMNET++) (click here to download)

INET Simulation Scripts (click here to download)

NS-3 MeDeHa Implementation with Scripts: ns-3.5, ns-3.9