Packet Reconstruction in Free Phone

Lost packets are reconstructed in three different ways:

An example of packet reconstruction is shown in the figure below. The figure shows a sequence of 8 lost packets starting at packet i+1 and finishing at packet i+8. Packet i is duplicated as packet i+1. Packets i+2 and i+3 are replaced with silence. Packet i+4 is a duplication of packet i+5. Finally, packets i+5 trough i+8 are reconstructed using the redundant information contained in packets i+9 and i+10

We do reconstruction by duplication and silence insertion only after any redundancy has being taken into account. In Free Phone, we can control the number of frames duplicated and the number of silences inserted with the following options:

Free Phone attempts to reconstruct lost packets first using redundancy, then using duplication if no redundant information is available, then using silence if the maximum number of duplications has been reached. Note that using these reconstruction techniques does increase the end-to-end delay.

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Last modified Jun 28, 1996. Your comments are welcome.