FHCF NS implementation

Pierre Ansel, Qiang Ni, Thierry Turletti

Copyright: You can download our ns codes freely for academic use, but please cite our contribution when you use it:

This note will help you to install our ns simulation codes of IEEE 802.11e HCF and FHCF algorithm. 


1. Download the file fhcf.tgz. After decompressing, go into the directory /ns/ns2/. 

2. Type 

$ make install
3. Modify the shell variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH, TCL_LIBRARY and the PATH following the directions at the end of make install. 


FHCF can be tested with real VBR traces obtained with the VIC videoconferencing tool and the H.261 coding in the QCIF format. They correspond to a typical "head and shoulder" video sequence. 

six traces are available: 

  • vic.QCIF.30fps.1
  • vic.QCIF.30fps.2
  • vic.QCIF.30fps.3
  • vic.QCIF.30fps.4
  • vic.QCIF.30fps.5
  • vic.QCIF.30fps.6
If you want to have a description of the characteristics of the traces, you can type 
 analyze-trace trace_name
In the directory /ns/ns2/tcl/wlan, 3 scripts are available : 
  • uplink_sched-scenario.tcl:

  • It allows to test the QAP scheduler. The considered flows are audio (Burst on-off CBR), VBR H.261 video and CBR MPEG4 video. Each station sends only one traffic. 
  • uplink_node-scenario.tcl:

  • It allows to test also the node scheduler performance. The considered flows are the same as in uplink_sched-scenario.tcl but in this scenario, each station generates audio, VBR H.261 and CBR MPEG4 flows. 
  • poisson-scenario.tcl:

  • This scenario allows to show FHCF performance with flows following a poisson arrival. 
If you want to change some EDCF, TSPEC or duration parameters, or change modify the scenario, edit the scenario file. 

To run: 

  • EDCF: Set the HCCA duration to a very small value. FHCF and Standard HCF use the same EDCF.

  • Standard HCF: change "set std 0" to "set std 1".

  • FHCF: Use "set std 0"

To run the scenario sc-scenario.tcl, type 
 $ ns main.tcl sc

To obtain statistics from the trace file sc.tr, use 

 $ wlan-stats sc
You will have the latency, throughput ... for each flow. 

To plot figures of latency, latency distribution, and bandwidth for the different flows, use 

 $ wlan-graphs

Qiang Ni

     Last modified: Monday, March 08, 17:35 MEST 2004