struct LinkAttr

char color[MAXNAME]
char dcolor[MAXNAME]
label color
char direction[MAXNAME]
direction of the label
char dlabel[MAXNAME]
label beneath a link
char odcolor[MAXNAME]
char odirection[MAXNAME]
char odlabel[MAXNAME]
old dlabel
char oldColor[MAXNAME]
char state[MAXVALUE]


char state[MAXVALUE]

char color[MAXNAME]

char oldColor[MAXNAME]

char dlabel[MAXNAME]
label beneath a link

char odlabel[MAXNAME]
old dlabel

char direction[MAXNAME]
direction of the label

char odirection[MAXNAME]

char dcolor[MAXNAME]
label color

char odcolor[MAXNAME]

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling