class <Classifier/Hash/Dest> DestHashClassifier : public HashClassifier


Public Methods

int classify(Packet *p)
int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

Protected Methods

const char* hashkey(nsaddr_t, nsaddr_t dst, int)

Inherited from HashClassifier:

Public Methods

virtual int lookup(Packet* p)
virtual int unknown(Packet* p)

Protected Classes

union hkey

Protected Fields

hkey buf_
int default_
Tcl_HashTable ht_
int keylen_

Protected Methods

int get_hash(nsaddr_t src, nsaddr_t dst, int fid)
int lookup(nsaddr_t src, nsaddr_t dst, int fid)
int newflow(Packet* pkt)
void reset()
int set_hash(nsaddr_t src, nsaddr_t dst, int fid, int slot)


union hkey

Inherited from Classifier:

Public Classes

enum classify_ret

Public Fields

Classifier instvar mask_
Classifier instvar offset_
Classifier instvar shift_
Classifier instvar slots_

Public Methods

Classifier instproc adjacents {}
Classifier instproc dump {}
virtual NsObject* find(Packet*)
Classifier instproc in-slot
Classifier instproc install {slot val}
Classifier instproc installNext val
int maxslot()
int mshift(int val)
Classifier instproc no-slot slot
virtual void recv(Packet* p, Handler* h)
inline NsObject* slot(int slot)


enum classify_ret

Protected Fields

NsObject* default_target_
int mask_
int maxslot_
int nslot_
int offset_
int shift_
NsObject** slot_

Protected Methods

void alloc(int)
virtual void clear(int slot)
virtual int getnxt(NsObject *)
void install(int slot, NsObject*)

Private Fields

int off_ip_

Inherited from NsObject:

Public Methods

virtual void debug(const char *fmt, ...)
virtual int delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)
virtual void delay_bind_init_all()
int isdebug()

Protected Fields

int debug_
int off_cmn_
int off_flags_

Protected Methods

void handle(Event*)

Inherited from Handler:



int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

int classify(Packet *p)

const char* hashkey(nsaddr_t, nsaddr_t dst, int)

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling