FPQ implementation for Bluehoc

Jean Baptiste Lapeyrie, Thierry Turletti

This note will help you to install and simulate the FPQ algorithm, implemented for ns and Bluehoc.
We assume that ns-2.1b7a, available from "http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns", has been correctly installed as well as the Bluehoc extension, available from "http://www-124.ibm.com/developperworks/opensource/bluehoc".


1. Dowload the file fpq.tgz. After decompressing fpq.tgz, go into the directory FPQ/ .

2. Replace the following files

by those located in ./ns-2.1b7a/ .
   Then replace ~ns/ns-2.1b7a/tcl/lib/ns-btnode.tcl by ./ns-2.1b7a/tcl/lib/ns-btnode.tcl.

These are the files of Bluehoc we have changed in order to implement FPQ and to obtain traffic in both direction (slaves -> master and master -> slaves) in the Piconet.

3. Copy the file ./ns-2.1b7a/expooip.cc     into    ~ns/ns-2.1b7a/ .

This is a Poisson traffic generator implemented as expoo.cc, written by Xerox.

4. Modify the file ~ns/ns-2.1b7a/Makefile to include the new traffic generator.

You must add expooip.cc in OBJ_CC (you can look for expoo.cc to find the right place...).
Then, you can see a line that looks like: expoo.o : expoo.cc /usr...
Copy this line and replace expoo.o by expooip.o and expoo.cc by expooip.cc.

5. In ~ns/ns-2.1b7a/, run 'make' to recompile NS. Normally, the FPQ extension of Bluehoc is correctly installed.


In ./Scripts are located 4 script files in order to use Bluehoc and FPQ.

Finally, if ~ns/bin/ is in your $PATH variable, execute 'ns run.tcl', in the directory where these files are located, in order to run the simulation. 
Thierry Turletti

Last modified: Tue Jul 16 11:29:02 MEST 2002