WisMon : A Wireless Statistical Monitoring tool

Install and Config:

Installing WisMon
WisMon is developed using gtk, so it needs at least the gtk libraries installed.
On each of the stations, a modified Kismet server must be installed:
- Download Kismet version 2004-10-R1 from the website: kismet-2004-10-R1.tar.gz
- Unzip and Untar the package in a directory:

prompt# tar -xzvf kismet-2004-10-R1.tar.gz

- Get the patch: kismet.diff

- Apply the patch with diff:

prompt# cd kismet-2004-10-R1
prompt# patch -p1 -i ../kismet.diff

- configure, make and install:

prompt# ./configure
prompt# make
prompt# make install

Remember to follow kismet install instructions found on README and INSTALL files.
There is a configuration file which must be edited;
here, we suppose that a root installation was done, so it will be located in /usr/local/etc/
The file name is kismet.conf.
Modify the configuration as stated on the README and INSTALL files on the Kismet distribution.
It must accept connections from the machine where the packet processor engine will work.
A sample configuration file is provided here: kismet.conf
The next step is WisMon installation:
Download the sources:

- Unzip and Untar the package in a directory:

prompt# tar -xzvf wismon_client-0.1-R3.tar.gz prompt# tar -xzvf wismon_server-0.1-R3.tar.gz

Configure, make and install each package.

prompt# ./configure
prompt# make
prompt# make install

Again, there are two configuration files to modify, which are saved in /usr/local/etc.

1. wismon_server.conf
The following parameters should be configured:
KismetSourceServer=[IP address] (one entry per probe)
LAddress=[IP address] (IP where the packet processing server is listening for connections)
Port=[IP port] (port where packet processing server is listening for connections, already to the default 2501)
Log=[yes/no] (logging is enabled?)
Pathtolog=[path to logfile]
An example configuration file is provided here: wismon_server.conf

2. wismon_client.conf
PPServer=[IP address] (IP of the Packet Processor server)
KServer=[IP address] (Any of the Kismet servers to retrieve the list of stations)
Port=[IP port] (The Kismet server port)
An example configuration file is provided here: wismon_client.conf

Any questions about WisMon can be sent to diego dot dujovne at sophia dot inria dot fr