struct BBox

inline void adjust()
inline void clear()
float height()
inline int inside(float x, float y, float xhalo = 0, float yhalo = 0)
inline int inside(const BBox &b)
inline void merge(const BBox &b)
inline void move(float dx, float dy)
inline int overlap(const BBox& b)
float width()
float xmax
float xmin
inline void xrect(XRectangle &r)


float xmin

float xmax

float width()

float height()

inline void xrect(XRectangle &r)

inline int overlap(const BBox& b)

inline int inside(const BBox &b)

inline int inside(float x, float y, float xhalo = 0, float yhalo = 0)

inline void clear()

inline void move(float dx, float dy)

inline void merge(const BBox &b)

inline void adjust()

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling