class Paint

Public Methods

inline GC background_gc()
static void init()
static Paint* instance()
int lookup(const char *color, int linewidth)
char* lookupName(int, int, int)
int lookupXor(const char *color, int linewidth)
inline int num_gc()
inline GC paint_to_gc(int paint)
rgb* paint_to_rgb(int paint)
GC text_gc(Font fid, const char* color = NULL)
inline int thick()
inline int thin()
inline int xor()

Protected Methods


Private Fields

int background_
int gcSize_
GC* gctab_
static Paint* instance_
int ngc_
rgb* rgb_
int thick_
int thin_
int xor_

Private Methods

void adjust()



static void init()

static Paint* instance()

inline GC paint_to_gc(int paint)

inline int num_gc()

rgb* paint_to_rgb(int paint)

char* lookupName(int, int, int)

inline GC background_gc()

GC text_gc(Font fid, const char* color = NULL)

int lookup(const char *color, int linewidth)

int lookupXor(const char *color, int linewidth)

inline int thick()

inline int thin()

inline int xor()

void adjust()

static Paint* instance_

int ngc_

int gcSize_

GC* gctab_

rgb* rgb_

int thick_

int thin_

int xor_

int background_

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling