class <PagePool/ProxyTrace> ProxyTracePagePool : public PagePool


Public Methods

virtual int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
virtual ~ProxyTracePagePool()
: rvDyn_(NULL), rvStatic_(NULL), br_(0), size_(NULL), reqfile_(NULL), req_(NULL), lastseq_(0) {}

Protected Classes

struct ClientRequest
int seq_
client sequence number, used to match
double nrt_
client ids in the trace file next request time
int nurl_
next request url
long fpos_
position in file of its next request

Protected Fields

int br_
bimodal ratio
int nclient_
Tcl_HashTable* req_
Requests table
FILE* reqfile_
request stream of proxy trace
RandomVariable* rvDyn_
int* size_
page sizes

Protected Methods

int find_info()
int init_page(const char *fn)
int init_req(const char *fn)
How would we handle different types of page modifications? How to integrate bimodal, and multi-modal distributions?
ClientRequest* load_req(int cid)


struct ClientRequest
int seq_
client sequence number, used to match
double nrt_
client ids in the trace file next request time
int nurl_
next request url
long fpos_
position in file of its next request

Inherited from PagePool:

Public Methods

PagePool instproc gen-page { pageid thismod }



virtual ~ProxyTracePagePool()
: rvDyn_(NULL), rvStatic_(NULL), br_(0), size_(NULL), reqfile_(NULL), req_(NULL), lastseq_(0) {}

virtual int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

int init_req(const char *fn)
How would we handle different types of page modifications? How to integrate bimodal, and multi-modal distributions?

int init_page(const char *fn)

int find_info()

RandomVariable* rvDyn_

int br_
bimodal ratio

int* size_
page sizes

FILE* reqfile_
request stream of proxy trace

struct ClientRequest


int seq_
client sequence number, used to match

double nrt_
client ids in the trace file next request time

int nurl_
next request url

long fpos_
position in file of its next request

Tcl_HashTable* req_
Requests table

int nclient_

ClientRequest* load_req(int cid)

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling