class TORADest

Public Methods

void dump(void)
TORANeighbor* nb_add(nsaddr_t id)
int nb_check_same_ref(void)
int nb_del(nsaddr_t id)
TORANeighbor* nb_find(nsaddr_t id)
TORANeighbor* nb_find_height(int R)
TORANeighbor* nb_find_max_height(void)
TORANeighbor* nb_find_min_height(int R)
TORANeighbor* nb_find_min_nonnull_height(Height *h)
TORANeighbor* nb_find_next_hop()
Finds the minimum height neighbor whose lnk_stat is DN
TORADest(nsaddr_t id, Agent *a)
void update_height(double TAU, nsaddr_t OID, int R, int DELTA, nsaddr_t ID)
void update_height_nb(TORANeighbor* tn, struct hdr_tora_upd *uh)

Private Fields

toraAgent* agent
Height height
5-tuple height of this node
nsaddr_t index
IP address of destination
tn_head nblist
List of neighbors.
int num_active
active links
int num_down
down stream links
int num_up
up stream links
int rt_req
route required flag
double time_rt_req
time rt_req last set - JGB
double time_tx_qry
time sent last QUERY
double time_upd
time last UPD packet was sent
friend class toraAgent

Private Methods



friend class toraAgent

TORADest(nsaddr_t id, Agent *a)

TORANeighbor* nb_add(nsaddr_t id)

int nb_del(nsaddr_t id)

TORANeighbor* nb_find(nsaddr_t id)

void update_height_nb(TORANeighbor* tn, struct hdr_tora_upd *uh)

void update_height(double TAU, nsaddr_t OID, int R, int DELTA, nsaddr_t ID)

int nb_check_same_ref(void)

TORANeighbor* nb_find_next_hop()
Finds the minimum height neighbor whose lnk_stat is DN

TORANeighbor* nb_find_height(int R)

TORANeighbor* nb_find_max_height(void)

TORANeighbor* nb_find_min_height(int R)

TORANeighbor* nb_find_min_nonnull_height(Height *h)

void dump(void)


nsaddr_t index
IP address of destination

Height height
5-tuple height of this node

int rt_req
route required flag

double time_upd
time last UPD packet was sent

double time_tx_qry
time sent last QUERY

double time_rt_req
time rt_req last set - JGB

tn_head nblist
List of neighbors.

int num_active
active links

int num_down
down stream links

int num_up
up stream links

toraAgent* agent

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling