class Monitor

Public Methods

void anim(Animation *a)
Animation* anim()
void delete_monitor_object(Animation *m)
void draw(View *nv, float x, float y)
void draw_monitor(View *nv, float ymin, float ymax)
Monitor(int mon, Animation *a, double size)
int monitor_number()
void next(Monitor *next)
inline Monitor* next()
void size(double size)
void update(double now, char *result, int len)

Protected Fields

Animation* anim_
char label_[20]
int mon_num_
Monitor* next_
int paint_
double size_
float x_
float y_


Monitor(int mon, Animation *a, double size)


void update(double now, char *result, int len)

inline Monitor* next()

void next(Monitor *next)

Animation* anim()

void anim(Animation *a)

void draw(View *nv, float x, float y)

void size(double size)

void draw_monitor(View *nv, float ymin, float ymax)

int monitor_number()

void delete_monitor_object(Animation *m)

Monitor* next_

int mon_num_

Animation* anim_

int paint_

float x_

float y_

double size_

char label_[20]

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling