class ClientPage : public Page


Public Fields

static int PUSHALL_
Flags to indicate whether we want to do all push or selective push If 0: selective push, otherwise all push

Public Methods

double& age()
inline void clear_mpush()
ClientPage(const char *n, int s, double mt, double et, double a)
inline int count_inval(int a, int th)
inline int count_request(int b, int th)
inline int& counter()
double& etime()
void invalidate(double mtime)
int is_header_valid()
inline int is_mpush()
inline int is_server_down()
inline int is_uncacheable()
inline int is_unread()
int is_valid()
inline double mpush_time()
double& mtime()
void name(char* buf)
virtual void print_info(char* buf)
static void print_name(char* name, PageID& id)
HttpApp* server()
inline void server_down()
inline void set_mpush(double time)
inline void set_read()
inline void set_uncacheable()
inline void set_unread()
Has nothing to do with valid/invalid/server_down etc. It can be combined with all other page status
inline void set_valid_hdr()
static void split_name(const char* name, PageID& id)
Used to split page names into page identifiers
virtual WebPageType type()
void validate(double mtime)
Page becomes valid. Clear all other possible invalid bits
virtual ~ClientPage()

Protected Fields

double age_
int counter_
counter for invalidation & request
double etime_
entry time
double mpushTime_
double mtime_
modification time
HttpApp* server_
int status_

Protected Methods

void clear_page_action(int action)
void clear_page_state(int state)
void set_page_action(int action)
void set_page_state(int state)

Inherited from Page:

Public Methods

int& id()
int size()

Protected Fields

int id_
int size_


ClientPage(const char *n, int s, double mt, double et, double a)

virtual ~ClientPage()

virtual WebPageType type()

virtual void print_info(char* buf)

void name(char* buf)

double& mtime()

double& etime()

double& age()

HttpApp* server()

void validate(double mtime)
Page becomes valid. Clear all other possible invalid bits

void invalidate(double mtime)

int is_valid()

int is_header_valid()

inline void set_valid_hdr()

inline void set_uncacheable()

inline int is_uncacheable()

inline void set_unread()
Has nothing to do with valid/invalid/server_down etc. It can be combined with all other page status

inline void set_read()

inline int is_unread()

inline int is_server_down()

inline void server_down()

static int PUSHALL_
Flags to indicate whether we want to do all push or selective push If 0: selective push, otherwise all push

inline int& counter()

inline int count_inval(int a, int th)

inline int count_request(int b, int th)

inline void set_mpush(double time)

inline void clear_mpush()

inline int is_mpush()

inline double mpush_time()

static void split_name(const char* name, PageID& id)
Used to split page names into page identifiers

static void print_name(char* name, PageID& id)

void set_page_state(int state)

void clear_page_state(int state)

void set_page_action(int action)

void clear_page_action(int action)

HttpApp* server_

double age_

double mtime_
modification time

double etime_
entry time

int status_

int counter_
counter for invalidation & request

double mpushTime_

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

this page has been generated automatically by doc++

Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling