class Drop : public Animation


Public Methods

virtual void draw(View*, double)
Drop(float x, float y, float bot, float sz, double now, long offset, const PacketAttr&)
virtual const char* getname()
virtual const char* info()
virtual int inside(double now, float px, float py)
void monitor(Monitor *m, double now, char *result, int len)
MonState* monitor_state()
virtual void reset(double)
virtual void update(double)
virtual void update_bb()

Private Fields

float curPos_
PacketAttr pkt_
float psize_
size of drawable object (a side)
int rot_
rotation state (not critical)
double start_
time packet was dropped
float x_
inline double CurPos(double now) const { return (y_ - (now - start_)); } initial position of dropped packet

Private Methods

inline double CurPos(double now)

Inherited from Animation:

Public Fields

static Tcl_HashTable* AniHash_
static unsigned int LASTID_
static unsigned int nAniHash_

Public Methods

void addTag(Animation *)
const BBox& bbox()
void change_color(char *color)
virtual int classid()
void color(char *color)
void deleteTag(Animation *)
void detach()
virtual float distance(float x, float y)
static Animation* find(unsigned int id)
virtual const char* getedst()
virtual const char* getesrc()
virtual const char* getfid()
Animation* getLastTag()
inline Animation* getTag(int i)
virtual const char* gettype()
int id()
void insert(Animation **)
inline int isTagged()
inline void merge(BBox& b)
virtual void move(EditView*, float, float )
inline Animation* next()
inline int numTag()
inline int paint()
void paint(int id)
inline Animation** prev()
virtual const char* property()
void remove_monitor()
inline StateInfo stateInfo()
void toggle_color()
inline int type()

Protected Fields

int aType_
BBox bb_
unsigned int id_
Monitor* monitor_
Animation* next_
int nTag_
int oldPaint_
int paint_
Animation** prev_
StateInfo si_
Animation** tags_


Drop(float x, float y, float bot, float sz, double now, long offset, const PacketAttr&)


virtual void draw(View*, double)

virtual void update(double)

virtual void update_bb()

virtual void reset(double)

virtual int inside(double now, float px, float py)

virtual const char* info()

virtual const char* getname()

void monitor(Monitor *m, double now, char *result, int len)

MonState* monitor_state()

inline double CurPos(double now)

float x_
inline double CurPos(double now) const { return (y_ - (now - start_)); } initial position of dropped packet

float psize_
size of drawable object (a side)

double start_
time packet was dropped

PacketAttr pkt_

int rot_
rotation state (not critical)

float curPos_

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

this page has been generated automatically by doc++

Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling