class <NetworkModel/Editor> EditorNetModel : public NetModel


Public Methods

int addAgent(Node*, char*, float, float)
int addAgentLink(Agent*, Agent*)
int addLink(Node*, Node*)
int addNode(float cx, float cy)
void BoundingBox(BBox&)
EditorNetModel(const char *animator)
void layout()
void removeAgent(Agent *a)
void removeLink(Edge *)
void removeNode(Node *)
int saveAsEnam(const char*)
int saveAsNs(const char*)
void setAgentProperty(int, char*, int)
void setLinkProperty(int, int, char*, int)
void setNodeProperty(int, char*, int)
inline EditorNetModel* wobj()
virtual ~EditorNetModel()

Protected Fields

EditorNetModel* wobj_

Protected Methods

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

Private Fields

int nID
double pxmax_
double pxmin_
double pymax_
double pymin_

Inherited from NetModel:

Public Methods

void add_drop(const TraceEvent &, double now, int direction)
int add_monitor(Animation *a)
int add_tag(Tag *tag)
void addView(NetView*)
void check_monitors(Animation *a)
void color_subtrees()
void delete_monitor(Monitor *m)
void delete_monitor(int monnum)
void delete_monitor(Animation *a)
void delete_tag(const char *tn)
int deleteTagCmd(char *tagName, char *tagDel)
Animation* findClosest(float dx, float dy, double halo)
void handle(const TraceEvent&, double now, int direction)
Animation* inside(float px, float py)
Tag* lookupTag(const char *tn)
int monitor(double now, int monitor, char *result, int len)
virtual void moveNode(Node *n)
Packet* newPacket(PacketAttr &pkt, Edge *e, double time)
inline double now()
virtual void recalc()
void remove_view(View *v)
virtual void render(EditView*, BBox &bb)
void render(PSView*)
void render(View*)
void render(TestView*)
void reset(double)
int save_layout(const char *filename)
void selectPkt(int, int, int )
void set_wireless()
int tagArea(BBox &bb, Tag *tag, int bEnclosed)
int tagCmd(View *v, int argc, char **argv, char *newTag, char *cmdName)
void tagObject(Tag *tag, Animation *)
virtual void update(double)
void update(double, Animation*)

Protected Classes

struct EdgeHashNode
EdgeHashNode* next
int src
int dst
Edge* edge
Queue* queue

Protected Fields

Tcl_HashTable* addrHash_
Animation* animations_
int colorDst_
int colorFid_
int colorSrc_
char colorTraffic_[PTYPELEN]
Animation* drawables_
Tcl_HashTable* grpHash_
EdgeHashNode* hashtab_[EDGE_HASH_SIZE]
int hideDst_
int hideFid_
int hideSrc_
char hideTraffic_[PTYPELEN]
Lan* lans_
int mon_count_
Monitor* monitors_
int nclass_
int nGroup_
Node* nodes_
double now_
int nTag_
double nymin_
Tcl_HashTable* objnameHash_
int* oldpaint_
int* paint_
int paintMask_
Queue* queues_
int resetf_
int selectedColor_
int selectedDst_
int selectedFid_
int selectedSrc_
char selectedTraffic_[PTYPELEN]
int showData_
int showMac_
int showRouting_
Tcl_HashTable* tagHash_
View* views_
int wireless_
double wirelessNodeSize_

Protected Methods

int add_group(Group *grp)
int addAddress(int id, int addr)
int addr2id(int addr)
inline int ehash(int src, int dst)
void enterEdge(Edge* e)
Agent* lookupAgent(int id)
EdgeHashNode* lookupEdge(int, int)
Group* lookupGroup(unsigned int addr)
Lan* lookupLan(int nn)
Node* lookupNode(int nn)
int lookupObjname(const char *)
Packet* lookupPacket(int src, int dst, int id)
Animation* lookupTagOrID(const char *)
void move(double& x, double& y, double angle, double d)
virtual void placeAgent(Agent* a, Node* src)
virtual void placeEdge(Edge* e, Node* src)
void placeEdgeByAngle(Edge* e, Node* src)
virtual void placeEverything()
int registerObjName(const char*, int)
void removeEdge(Edge* e)
void saveState(double)
virtual void scale_estimate()
int traverse(Node* n)


struct EdgeHashNode
EdgeHashNode* next
int src
int dst
Edge* edge
Queue* queue

Inherited from TraceHandler:

Public Methods

inline NetworkAnimator* nam()

Protected Fields

NetworkAnimator* nam_


EditorNetModel(const char *animator)

virtual ~EditorNetModel()

void BoundingBox(BBox&)

int addNode(float cx, float cy)

int addLink(Node*, Node*)

int addAgent(Node*, char*, float, float)

int addAgentLink(Agent*, Agent*)

int saveAsEnam(const char*)

int saveAsNs(const char*)

void setNodeProperty(int, char*, int)

void setAgentProperty(int, char*, int)

void setLinkProperty(int, int, char*, int)

void layout()

void removeLink(Edge *)

void removeNode(Node *)

void removeAgent(Agent *a)

inline EditorNetModel* wobj()

EditorNetModel* wobj_

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

int nID

double pxmin_

double pymin_

double pxmax_

double pymax_

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling