class Route : public Animation


Public Fields

Route* next_

Public Methods

inline double angle()
virtual void draw(View*, double now)
inline Edge* edge()
const char* getname()
const char* info()
inline void mark(int v)
inline int marked()
virtual int inside(double, float, float) const;
int matching_route(Edge *e, int group, int pktsrc, int oif)
void monitor(Monitor *m, double now, char *result, int len)
MonState* monitor_state()
inline void next(Route *r)
inline Route* next()
inline Node* node()
virtual void place(double x, double y)
virtual void place(double x, double y, int ctr)
virtual void reset(double now)
virtual void draw(PSView*, double now) const;
Route(Node *, Edge *, int group, int pktsrc, int negcache, int iif, double timer, double now)
virtual void update(double now)

Protected Fields

int anchor_
double angle_
double curtimeout_
current time remaining in timeout
Edge* edge_
the edge corresponding to the interface
int group_
the multicast group, or -1 for unicast
int mark_
Transform matrix_
int mode_
Node* node_
int npts_
int pktsrc_
the src for which this is a route
double timeout_
the timer value til timeout
double timeset_
when the timer was set
float x_[4]

Protected Methods

void update_bb()

Inherited from Animation:

Public Fields

static Tcl_HashTable* AniHash_
static unsigned int LASTID_
static unsigned int nAniHash_

Public Methods

void addTag(Animation *)
const BBox& bbox()
void change_color(char *color)
virtual int classid()
void color(char *color)
void deleteTag(Animation *)
void detach()
virtual float distance(float x, float y)
static Animation* find(unsigned int id)
virtual const char* getedst()
virtual const char* getesrc()
virtual const char* getfid()
Animation* getLastTag()
inline Animation* getTag(int i)
virtual const char* gettype()
int id()
void insert(Animation **)
virtual int inside(float px, float py)
virtual int inside(double now, float px, float py)
inline int isTagged()
inline void merge(BBox& b)
virtual void move(EditView*, float, float )
inline int numTag()
inline int paint()
void paint(int id)
inline Animation** prev()
virtual const char* property()
void remove_monitor()
inline StateInfo stateInfo()
void toggle_color()
inline int type()

Protected Fields

int aType_
BBox bb_
unsigned int id_
Monitor* monitor_
int nTag_
int oldPaint_
int paint_
Animation** prev_
StateInfo si_
Animation** tags_


Route(Node *, Edge *, int group, int pktsrc, int negcache, int iif, double timer, double now)


virtual void place(double x, double y)

virtual void place(double x, double y, int ctr)

inline int marked()
virtual int inside(double, float, float) const;

inline void mark(int v)

inline Route* next()

inline Edge* edge()

inline Node* node()

inline double angle()

inline void next(Route *r)

int matching_route(Edge *e, int group, int pktsrc, int oif)

const char* info()

const char* getname()

void monitor(Monitor *m, double now, char *result, int len)

MonState* monitor_state()

virtual void draw(View*, double now)

virtual void reset(double now)
virtual void draw(PSView*, double now) const;

virtual void update(double now)

Route* next_

void update_bb()

Edge* edge_
the edge corresponding to the interface

Node* node_

int group_
the multicast group, or -1 for unicast

int pktsrc_
the src for which this is a route

int mode_

double timeout_
the timer value til timeout

double curtimeout_
current time remaining in timeout

double timeset_
when the timer was set

int anchor_

int mark_

float x_[4]

int npts_

double angle_

Transform matrix_

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling